Ageing and Body Changes 衰老和身体变化

Medical Conditions, Services

The beginning of old age is said to be 60 or 65, but as time passes, we are actually ageing, and it is a normal biologic process.

一般而言,人类大约在60 – 65岁,便会到了老年,但是随着时间的推移,我们实际上正在衰老,这是一个正常的生物过程。

Although it is a normal process, we must be reminded that this ageing process involves some decline in physiologic function. Organs change with age. The rates of changes differ from one individual to another. It depends on factors such as genetics, illnesses, socioeconomics and lifestyles.


Why is it happening? / 为什么会这样?

Body composition changes with ageing. Fat mass and visceral fat increase while lean muscle mass decreases. According to Jansen (2009) and Thomas (2010), the loss of muscle mass, strength and function can be age-related and can affect older adult’s quality of life. This is what we call sarcopenia.


Physically inactive people can lose as much as 3% to 5% of their muscle mass each decade after age 30. Even if you are active, you’ll still have some muscle loss. Researchers believe that, this is due to:


  • Reduction in nerve cells responsible for sending signals from the brain to the muscles to start movement



  • A decrease in the ability to turn protein into energy


  • Not getting enough calories or protein each day to sustain muscle mass


Weight gain is also related to menopause. As you get older, you might notice that maintaining your usual weight becomes more difficult. In fact, many women gain weight around the menopause transition. This is due to hormonal imbalance. Many women experience weight gain during perimenopause – the period leading to menopause – due to declining progesterone levels and relative preservation of oestrogen levels.

体重增加也与更年期有关。随着年龄的增长,您可能会注意到保持正常体重变得更加困难。事实上,女性会在更年期过渡期间增加体重。这是因为荷尔蒙不平衡。由于黄体激素水平下降和雌激素水平的相对保持,许多女性在围绝经期 – 导致更年期的时期体重增加。

Healthy Ageing Tips for Seniors / 老年人的健康老化技巧

 Diet for seniors / 老年人的饮食

Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods and beverages. Pay attention to what you’re eating and drinking. Choose more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, particularly those that are less processed and contain more fibre, legumes, nuts, soy, meat, fish or chicken which are healthy protein options. Replace butter, stick margarine and shortening with oils, such as olive or vegetable oil. Avoiding foods with empty calories are also essential. These are foods with high calories and limited nutritional values. Sodas, chips, kuihs and alcohol are some examples of commonly consumed foods with empty calories.


Exercise for Seniors / 老年人的运动

Staying active helps maintain your physical capabilities and slow muscular and bone deterioration that comes with getting older. Resistance or weight-bearing exercises which need you to hold up your own body weight against the resistance of gravity; can slower muscle deterioration thus help to build more muscle and burn more fat.


Example of weight-bearing exercise includes:


  • Brisk walking / 轻快步行
  • Climbing stairs / 爬楼梯
  • Dancing / 跳舞
  • Hiking / 徒步旅行
  • Jogging / 慢跑
  • Step aerobics / 有氧舞
  • Tennis or other racquet sports / 网球或其他球拍运动
  • Yard work, like gardening / 庭院工作,如园艺

A 30-minute workout and 3-5 times a week exercise is adequate for older adults to become physically active. However, if you experience chest pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath, fainting, or dizziness during or after any exercise, it is important to stop and notify your physician promptly.


Remember to take care of your body because it’s the only place you have to live in.  The will is within you, your life does not get better by chance, but it will get better by change.
