Can Diet Delay Neurodegenerative Disorder? 饮食可以延缓神经退化性疾病吗?

Medical Conditions, Services

The brain and the spinal cord are complex organs in the human body, making up the central nervous system responsible for various bodily functions including the body movement, memories, intelligence, senses and behavioral control. Neurodegenerative disorder occurs when the cells of this system (also known as neurons) lose their function. When this happens, there is no cure and it will get worse over time, affecting the social, mental and physical wellbeing of the patients. Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease can be due to various reasons including aging, tumor, stroke, certain virus or toxins, alcohol abuse et cetera. To date, there is no cure or therapy that can slow down the progression of this disease, and treatment mainly only helps to reduce some symptoms of the disease.


How about dietary intake? Can it assist in delaying the progression of the disorder? Currently, research on this topic is still ongoing, and so far, there is no evidence that consumption or avoidance of certain food can prevent any age-related cognitive decline. However, some studies show that the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet may be potentially protective and beneficial in reducing risk of cognitive decline. The MIND diet, which combines the traditional Mediterranean diet and the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, generally focuses on consumption of plant-based foods, with emphasis on berries and leafy greens, and limiting animal-based and high saturated or hydrogenated fat food.


Precisely, the components of MIND diet include:


  1. Consumption of 10 brain-healthy foods, which are: green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, nuts, berries, beans, wholegrains, fish, poultry, olive oil, and wine.


2. Avoidance of 5 unhealthy food groups, which are: red meats, butter and stick margarine, cheese, pastries and sweets, and fried food or fast food.


The recommended serving size are as below:


  • Whole grain: At least 3 servings daily


  • Leafy greens: At least 6 servings weekly


  • Other vegetables: At least 1 serving daily


  • Berries: At least 2 servings weekly


  • Fish: 1 or more servings weekly


  • Poultry: 2 or more servings weekly


  • Beans: More than 3 servings weekly


  • Nuts: 5 or more servings weekly


  • Olive oil as main source of fat


  • Wine: Allows 1 serving daily


The serving size of the unhealthy food sources are as below:


  • Red meat and its products: Less than 4 servings weekly


  • Fast food and fried food: Less than 1 serving weekly


  • Butter or stick margarine: Less than 1 teaspoon daily


  • Cheese: Less than 1 serving weekly


  • Pastries and sweets: Less than 5 servings weekly


While the research on the effect of diet towards cognitive decline is still sparse, the MIND diet contains nutrients that have been linked to brain health such as antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin B, omega 3 fatty acids, carotenoids, flavonoids, and magnesium. A few studies show that limiting saturated and hydrogenated fats along with increment of antioxidant and vitamin B intake is associated with reduction of the rate of cognitive decline. On the other hand, research shows that overall fruit consumption does not seem to have a protective effect on cognition, while berries specifically might slow cognitive decline. Multiple studies have found that vegetables, particularly of green leafy types may be beneficial in lowering the rate of cognitive decline.


All in all, so far, there is no treatment nor dietary modification that can treat, reverse or reduce the rate of neurodegenerative disease. However, while research is still under way on this topic, some dietary changes might be helpful and protective against cognitive decline. 
