Common Supplements for Women 女性常服用的补充剂

Nowadays, various supplements were sold over the counter to supplement an individual’s diet in the form of tablet, liquid, powder and capsule. For women, it became a nature for them to take care of their health and skin at its best especially when they are starting to get older. The three supplements that commonly related with women are omega-3/fish oil, evening primrose oil (EPO) and collagen. However, can women supplement those in their diet?

1. Omega-3/fish oil / 鱼油
– Omega-3/fish oil claims it can prevent and treat heart disease, enhance brain development and function, reduce inflammation and increase good cholesterol.
– Our body only needs 0.3 to 1.2% of total energy intake daily which is around 200mg to 300mg.
我们的身体只需要0.3% 至1.2% 的总能量摄入,大约是200毫克至300毫克。
– You can easily get enough omega-3 from food sources such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, walnut, soybean and plant-based oil.
– If taken excessively, you might experience uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms.

2. Evening primrose oil / 月见草油
– EPO is another famous supplement which claims can soothe eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, reduces premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
– EPO is an omega-6 source that contain anti-inflammatory property which may potentially help to reduce inflammation in your body. However, the study on the efficacy is still very limited and you should seek for the doctor’s help if your symptoms worsen.
– Only 1 to 3g is needed daily and excessively consumed could cause diarrhea, bloating, flatulence and nausea.

3. Collagen / 胶原蛋白
– Collagen is the most familiar supplement as it claims to reduce signs of skin aging, manage osteoarthritis symptoms and improve digestive health.
– It is a type of amino acid which can be found in protein-based food such as chicken, egg white, fish and shellfish, beans and nuts.
– We only need 2.5g to 15g daily and it might cause bloating, flatulence and nausea for certain individual.

Should Women Consume It?

It depends on individual’s health status, needs and budget. However, there are very limited studies and insufficient evidence to prove the effectiveness of consuming certain supplements. Always bear in mind that it is always safer and best to get the nutrients from the whole food before considering supplements. Consult with your doctor, pharmacist or dietitian before adding supplements in your diet.