Constipation: What are the Solutions? 便秘:有什么解决方法?

Have you ever had trouble or pain when passing your stools? Having dry, lumpy, and hard stools, or a feeling that the stools are not fully passed? Unable to pass stools for more than three days? These conditions are known as constipation.

Constipation can either be caused by lifestyle or medical issues. The lifestyle causes include low fibre diet, daily routine changes, inadequate fluid intake, physical inactivity, and putting off going to toilet when the urge comes. On the other hand, medical causes of constipation include certain diseases such as colorectal cancer and obstructed bowel, medication such as strong pain relief, anti-emetic drugs, anti-depressants, and chemotherapy drugs. Certain conditions, such as pregnancy and old age can also induce constipation.

Note that every person has different patterns of bowel movement, and only you know if there is a change or abnormality. If your constipation is due to medical causes, get advice from the doctors for the management.

Then, how can lifestyle-induced constipation be managed? Here, we are going to discuss on the nutrition aspects to relieve constipation.

1. Increase Dietary Fibre Intake / 增加膳食纤维的摄入量
Dietary fibre intake can be grouped into two which are soluble and insoluble fibres. Soluble fibre absorbs water to form gel, enabling the stools to pass through the intestines smoothly. The sources of soluble fibre are oat bran, barley, legumes, and some fruits such as banana, berries, apple, pear, and citrus fruits (oranges et cetera). Meanwhile, insoluble fibre aids in bulking up the stools and for rapid stool transit through the gut. Insoluble fibre sources include (but not limited to) wholegrain, fruit and vegetable skins, leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and potato. Be mindful not to add too much fibre in a short period of time as this can cause bloating and gas.

2. Adequate Fluid / 充足的液体
When too little fluid is consumed, the large intestines will absorb water from the food waste, resulting in dry, hard stools. Therefore, consuming adequate fluid can prevent this and ensures that the stools are soft and easy to pass. One generally should consume at least 8 glasses of water per day (Around 2 litres per day).

3. Regular Physical Activity / 规律的体育活动
Physical activity can promote bowel movement and possibly reduce the transit time. These prevent excessive water reabsorption of the food waste in the large intestine; thus, the stools remain soft and easy to pass. The WHO recommends physical activity of at least 150 minutes of moderate or 70 minutes of high intensity exercise per week. Even walking at least 15 to 30 minutes daily may help in preventing constipation.

4. Regular Meals / 正餐
Regular meals can stimulate the gastrointestinal system, allowing movement of waste along the gut. Skipping meals reduces this reflex and may cause constipation. Therefore, one should aim for a regular 3 times a day meal with optional healthy snacks in between.

5. Prebiotics and Probiotics / 益生元和益生菌
The inclusion of prebiotics and probiotics is supplementary. Prebiotics stimulates the growth of the good bacteria in our gut. They can be obtained from consumption of insoluble fibres. The probiotics, on the other hand, is good bacteria that may be beneficial in helping to promote gut health. The sources of prebiotics include fermented food such as yogurt, tempeh, and miso.

All in all, lifestyle-induced constipation can be managed by proper healthy eating habits. Do not let it worsen as it can lead to more severe conditions such as haemorrhoid, anal fissure, and impacted stools.