DASH Eating Plan

Medical Conditions

According to the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) in 2015, 1 in 3 Malaysian population is hypertensive. There is an increase prevalence which shows that 1 in 5 Malaysian population is newly diagnosed with hypertension.

People with hypertension should make the following changes in their diet:

Let’s practise DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) diet! This diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, low fat and non-fat dairy. By following this plan, it can help to reduce blood pressure by 8-14 mmHg.
让我们来学习并运用 DASH 健康饮食计划! 此饮食包含了丰富的水果,蔬菜,低和无脂的乳制品。按照这一饮食计划,将有助于把血压降低8-14 mmHg。

Healthy Tips:

– Reduce salt intake as this will elevate your blood pressure. It is recommended to reduce your salt intake to 1 ¼ spoon per day. However, it is not advisable to have no salt in your diet.
减少盐份的摄取。建议每日的盐摄取量不可超过 1 ¼ 茶匙。不过也不可以完全不摄取盐。

– Increase intake of food that contains potassium.
Sufficient intake of potassium can help to maintain a healthy heart.

– Reduce consumption of high saturated or high cholesterol foods such as fast food and oily fried food.
减少摄取含有饱和脂肪和高胆固醇的食物, 例如快餐,油腻的煎炸食物。

– Increase intake of fruits and vegetables.
They are nutrient dense foods which provide little calories but rich in vitamins and minerals.

– Reduce overall calories consumption.
Reduce food portions as well as avoid high sugar foods.