Dietary Fat 膳食脂肪

What Is Dietary Fat?

Dietary fat is a macronutrient that is essential for our body. It is as essential as protein and carbohydrate. It can be found in both plant and animal sources. However, only 20% to 30% of fat is required from our daily diet.

What Are the Functions of Fats?

1. To provide energy for our body / 为我们的身体提供能量
2. To support cell growth / 帮助细胞生长
3. To act as cushion to protect our organs / 起到缓冲作用以保护我们的器官
4. To act as insulator to keep our body warm / 充当绝缘体,让我们的身体保持温暖
5. To help absorb nutrients such as fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K / 帮助营养的吸收,如脂溶性维生素A,D,E和K
6. To produce hormones / 生产荷尔蒙

Types of Fats

1. Monounsaturated Fat (MUFA) / 单不饱和脂肪(MUFA)

– Fat that exists in liquid form at room temperature. It can help to lower bad cholesterol in your body. Not just that, it also provides Vitamin E which is known as antioxidant.

– Examples: Olive oil, Avocado, Canola oil, Peanut oil and Safflower oil.

2. Polyunsaturated Fat (PUFA) / 多不饱和脂肪(PUFA)

– Fat that provides you the goodness as similar as MUFA. It also provides you the essential fats that our body cannot produce which are Omega 3 and Omega 6.
它提供与单不饱和脂肪相似好处的脂肪。它还为我们提供身体无法产生的必需脂肪,即Omega 3和Omega 6。

– Examples: Corn oil, Soybean oil, Sunflower oil, Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel and nuts.

3. Saturated Fat / 饱和脂肪

– This fat exists in a solid form at room temperature and mostly come from animal sources. It can raise up your bad cholesterol and increase the risk of getting heart disease.

– Examples: Butter, Red meat, Cheese, Dairy products, Palm oil, Coconut oil and Coconut milk.

4. Trans Fat / 反式脂肪

– Trans fat can be found naturally in food or made artificially. Trans fat in food usually is produced in animal gut but artificial trans fat produced in an industrial process to make liquid oils become solid. Trans fat can lower your good cholesterol and raise your bad cholesterol that leads to increasing risk of getting heart disease and stroke. Excessive intake of trans fat is also associated with increased risk of getting diabetes.

– Examples: Margarine, Fat food, Processed food, Pastries and Instant noodles.

How to make a better choice?

1. Eat a moderate, variety and balanced diet that emphasizes vegetables, fruits, whole grain, low fat dairy products, fish, poultry and nuts.
2. Use vegetables oil such as olive oil, sunflower oil, canola oil and soybean oil when cooking.
3. Alternate cooking method with stir frying, steaming, roasting or grilling instead of deep frying.
4. Choose soft margarine without trans-fat over hard margarine to substitute butter.
5. Limit red meat, fast foods, pastries and processed foods intake.
6. Substitute coconut milk and full cream milk with low fat milk.
7. Always read food label before purchasing groceries.