Medical Conditions, Services

Globally, cancer is the second most important cause of death and it was responsible for 8.8 million deaths in 2015.


The latest Malaysian National Cancer Registry Report 2007 to 2011 found that there was a total of 64,275 medically certified and non-medically certified cancer deaths.


In the year 2000, cancer contributed to 9.3% of all deaths at the Ministry of Health (MOH) hospitals. By 2016, this had increased to 26.7%, while 13.6% of all deaths in government hospitals were attributed to cancer.


Ministry of Health (MOH) spent around RM 400 million to treat cancer annually. This amount is much higher compared to treating patient with non-communicable diseases. Based on ASEAN Costs in Oncology ACTION study, conducted by George Institute for Global Health, they found that 45 % of cancer patient in Malaysia are facing financial conflicts as the treatment of cancer will cost them 30% of their household income. It is true that the technology and development of cancer treatment is advancing but it also results in higher cost of cancer cure.

卫生部(MOH)每年花费大约4亿令吉来治疗癌症。这个数目与治疗非传染性疾病来得要高。根据George Institute for Global Health所进行的东盟成本肿瘤学ACTION研究显示,马来西亚有45%的癌症患者正面临经济冲突, 因为癌症的治疗费用是他们收入的30%。癌症治疗的技术和发展确实正在推进,但是它也导致更高的癌症治愈成本。

Preventive health screening is important to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment and improve quality of life. To control the increase in cancer burden, focus is given in improving the screening of early detection and to increase access to patient care. Most cancer patients were diagnosed in later stages, hence increasing the cost of treatment. Prevention and early detection is very helpful as an illness which picked up in earlier stages, is after all, far easier to cure.


Various programmes have been implemented by government to reduce cancer risk among Malaysian, such as administration of Human Papilloma (HPV) vaccine to teenage girl to prevent cervical cancer. Other than that, frequent health screening is a must-do to know our current health status. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Malaysian women. Preventive measure that can be take is to do regular check-up. Breast self-examinations (BSE), clinical breast examinations (by a trained doctor or health care professional) and screening mammography are therefore important in detecting breast cancer at an early stage.


Colorectal cancer is one of the leading cancer in Malaysia. The National Cancer Registry’s latest report dubbed colorectal cancer as the most common cancer among men and the third most common among women in Malaysia. Early cancer may have no outward symptoms. Therefore, regular screening is crucial. Colonoscopy and faecal occult blood test (FOBT) are important in detecting colorectal cancer.


At Assuranz clinic, we believe that prevention is better than cure. We believe in the power within you to take control of your health. Health screenings could help you take preventive action in accordance with your comprehensive results report. As for cancer prevention, we provide:-


  • Ultrasound services (breast, thyroid, abdomen, pelvis) / 超音波扫描服务(乳房、甲状腺、腹部、子宫)
  • Pap smear / 子宫颈膜片
  • Blood test (tumour markers) / 血液检查(肿瘤指标)
  • Vaccinations / 疫苗接种
  • Medical examination / 体检

To find out more, you are welcome to our clinic for more information regarding health screening and service that we provide.


You can also check out our website at for more health information and sharing.


Good life, Good Health!
