Fad diet refers to a variety of diets that are popular without being a standard dietary recommendation, with varying approaches and with no strong scientific evidence to support. These diets typically promise exaggerated short-term changes, or irrational health improvements. Beware of diets that are too good to be true. Some of the common characteristics of fad diets are:


  • Guaranteeing weight loss without needing to change our lifestyle in any way (for instance, diet pills or supplement, lotions, girdle et cetera).


  • Promising quick weight loss of more than 1 kg of body fat weekly (such as very high fat and very low carbohydrate diet or extreme fasting).


  • Promoting magical fat-burning effects of foods or substances (such as grapefruit diet, caffeine diet and green tea extract).


  • Recommending avoidance or severe restriction of a whole food group such as all carbohydrates (<50 g carbohydrate per day except if medically prescribed), staple food or dairy products (in example, very low carbohydrate, palaeolithic, carnivore, general motor and cookie diets).


  • Suggesting that we can survive without food or by only having liquid meals (for instance, water fasting, master cleanse or juice cleanse).


  • Suggesting substitution of everyday foods for expensive supplement doses, ingredients, or special products (such as weight loss injection and the bulletproof diet).


  • Promoting only one type of food (mono diet, for example cabbage soup diet and boiled egg diet) or avoiding all cooked food (raw food diet).


  • Encouraging consumption of foods only in a particular combination based on genetic type (blood group diet).


  • Promoting ‘detoxification’ or avoiding food in certain combinations (such as separating the consumption of carbohydrate and protein, the fat flush diet, master cleanse et cetera).


  • Recommending eating non-food items such as hydrochloric acid and cotton wool.


  • Wrong application or misinterpretation of medical tests or human physiology (such as alkaline diet and collagen diet).


  • Diet based on testimonials or one research study only.


A lot of these diets can generate initial weight loss, but it is often due to lean muscle and fluid loss instead of body fat. These diets are also typically rigid and difficult to follow in long term, can lead to cycles of weight loss and weight regain, and negatively affect our relationship with food. They are also likely to cause malnutrition as the diet composition is not balanced. Other side effects include dehydration, fatigue, constipation, headache, nausea, and vomiting.


Diets that qualify as fad can change based on time, social, cultural, and subjective views. Some diets, though are included in these categories, might be used in medical settings based on therapeutic indications such as liquid diet for dysphagia (difficulty to swallow) or post-operation, very low-calorie diet for pre-bariatric surgery, and Ketogenic or Atkins diet (very low carbohydrate diet) for epilepsy. However, the use of these diets should be under supervision of healthcare professionals.


Overall, there is no ‘one type fit for all’ diet as individuals differ metabolically, physically, and genetically. However, diets that can lead to malnutrition are certainly not recommended. For the general population, stick to the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health (i.e. Quarter-quarter-half plate) as they are easy to follow and are balanced. For those with medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, kidney disease et cetera, special care is needed, therefore, it is suggested for you to refer to the healthcare professionals to determine the type of diet suitable for you.
