Nowadays, in this modern era, simplicity and efficiency are two fundamental things in life. But, does it really work for everyone?

Fiber is one of the most important nutrients needed in human body DAILY! But, due to misconception, most people will think of fiber supplement first instead of the natural sources of fiber which are VEGETABLES AND FRUITS.

Recent data from Ng et al. (2016) also revealed that the mean daily intake of fiber among Malaysians is still lower than the recommended daily intake (NCCFN, 2017). Rapid urbanisation with variety of new food sources has changed the normal and healthy eating style as they are more likely to have poor food habits by consuming high fat foods, processed food or fast foods, high calorie snacks, excessive intake of calorie, having irregular mealtime, skipping breakfast and eating an unbalanced diet (Nemnunhoi & Sonika, 2016).
根据Ng et al.(2016)数据,国人每日的平均纤维摄入量仍然低于每日所建议的摄入量(NCCFN, 2017)。各种新食物来源的迅速发展已经改变了人们正常和健康的饮食方式,致使人们食用高脂肪食物、加工食品或快餐、高卡路里零食,摄入过多热量,不规律的进食时间,不吃早餐及饮食不均衡(Nemnunhoi & Sonika, 2016)。

“So how much vegetables and fruits should I eat daily?”

• The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends intake of 25 g to 30 g of fibre per day.
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics建议每日摄入25克至30克的纤维。
• Malaysian Dietary Guideline stated that fiber intake recommendation should be 5 exchanges per day (3 exchanges from vegetables and 2 exchanges from fruits).

Actually, both statements above refer to the same thing. For better understanding you can see the poster below.

“What does fiber do to my body?”

1. Intake of fiber-rich diet has been suggested to reduce the prevalence of obesity. Fibre can displace the energy from other nutrients by adding bulk and weight to the meal (Dhingra et al., 2012).
摄入富含纤维的饮食可以减少肥胖症的患病率。纤维可通过增加饮食份量的体积和重量来替代其他营养物质的能量(Dhingra et al., 2012)。

2. Fibre-rich diet appears to affect satiety and satiation that may help in body weight reduction (Papathanasopoulos & Camilleri, 2010).
富含纤维的饮食会影响饱腹感,这有助于减轻体重(Papathanasopoulos & Camilleri, 2010)。

3. Fruits and vegetables have protective effect against risk of cancer. Phytochemicals and micronutrients may prevent and interrupt the development of cancer cells while fibre may prevent carcinogens from becoming active (Stan et al., 2008).
水果和蔬菜对癌症风险具有保护作用。植物化学物质和微量营养素会阻止和破坏癌细胞的发展,而纤维会阻止致癌物变得活跃(Stan et al., 2008)。

4. Relationship between consumption of fruits and vegetables with cardiovascular diseases indicated an inverse association between intake of vegetables and risk of cardiovascular disease (Hu, 2003).
水果和蔬菜的食用与心血管疾病风险之间呈负相关(Hu, 2003)。


Soluble Fiber – Hero’s sidekick during Diarrhea
可溶性纤维 – 腹泻时的伴侣

Soluble fiber attracts water and turns to gel during digestion. This helps in slowing the digestion process. Soluble fiber is found in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, peas, and some fruits and vegetables.

Insoluble Fiber- Hero’s sidekick during Constipation
不溶性纤维 – 便秘期间的助手

Insoluble fiber found in foods such as wheat bran, vegetables, and whole grains. It adds bulk to the stool and appears to help food pass more quickly through the stomach and intestines.