Food Hypersensitivity: Allergy & Intolerance 食物敏感:过敏与不耐受

Medical Conditions, Services

Food hypersensitivity is adverse or abnormal reactions upon consuming certain food. This encompasses food allergy and food intolerance. Food allergy happens when the immune system attacks harmless substances that are perceived as foreign and harmful to the body. This is done by producing an antibody known as immunoglobulin E (IgE) to protect the body against the substances, leading to allergic symptoms. The substances causing allergy reactions are proteins called allergens. Food allergic reaction typically involves three main body systems, which are the respiratory system, the digestive system, and the integumentary system (mostly the skin).


Allergic reactions can be mild but in certain cases, severe reactions happen which can lead to death. Food allergy symptoms are:


  • Digestive: itchy or swollen around mouth area including tongue, lips and throat, stomach ache, nausea, diarrhoea and vomiting.


  • Integumentary (skin): irritation, swollen eyelids or other parts of the body, pain or tenderness around the face and eczema.


  • Respiratory: runny nose, coughing, wheezing or breathlessness.


Severe allergic reactions, also known as anaphylaxis, can cause symptoms including difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, swelling around the mouth area, dizziness and fainting, confusion, pale, blue or grey skin, lips, and tongue. When this happens, emergency treatment will be needed. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lists 9 food as main food allergens, which are:


  • Milk /牛奶
  • Eggs /蛋
  • Fish such as bass, flounder and cod /鱼类,如鲈鱼、比目鱼和鳕鱼
  • Crustacean shellfish such as crab, lobster, and shrimp /甲壳类贝类,如螃蟹、龙虾和虾
  • Tree nuts such as almond, walnut and pecans /坚果类,如杏仁、核桃和山核桃
  • Peanuts /花生
  • Wheat /小麦
  • Soybeans /大豆
  • Sesame /芝麻

Meanwhile, food intolerance occurs when there is difficulty of the body to digest particular ingredients in food or drinks. It can be due to lack of digestive enzymes to digest the ingredients and digestive tract issues (such as irritable bowel syndrome). Although food intolerance symptoms can mimic allergy symptoms such as diarrhoea, stomach pain and rashes, it does not involve the immune system, cannot cause anaphylaxis and is normally less serious. Other symptoms of intolerance include bloating, flatulence, headache, constipation, joint pain, and tiredness. Food intolerance can be caused by many ingredients including:


  • Lactose (sugar found in dairy products)


  • Gluten (protein found in wheat, barley, and rye)


  • Caffeine (found in coffee, tea, and some carbonated drinks)


  • Alcohol


  • Histamine (found in certain food such as some fish, fermented products, wine, cheese, and sausage)


  • Sulphites (found in some food such as dried fruit, sausage, minced meat, cider, beer, wine, soft drinks, and bottled juice)


  • Salicylates (found in some legumes, vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices)


  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG) (found in some food such as ripened fruits, cured meats, cheese and savoury foods)


There is no cure for food hypersensitivity, but some people can outgrow it, especially those who have had the hypersensitivity during early childhood. The best and most common way to manage food allergy and intolerance is by avoiding food that causes the reactions and contains allergens. This includes whole food groups (such as peanut) and food products containing the allergens or ingredients (such as cookies labelled with ‘contain peanuts’), and other food products with precautionary allergen or ingredient labelling – normally termed as ‘may contain’ (such as cookies labelled with ‘may contain peanut’).


Children who have allergies are extremely sensitive, therefore it is important to implement total avoidance of any exposure to the allergens, including inhaling or touching the food, and the surface where the food may have come into contact with. To prevent unnecessary avoidance of food and inadequacy of nutrients as a result, one should refer to the healthcare providers to ensure safe management of allergy and intolerance.


For intolerance, in some people, reintroduction of ingredients in small doses after avoidance for a period of time can be tolerated. Over-the-counter medicine such as antacid and anti-diarrhoea can help manage the symptoms. In allergy, those with mild allergic reaction will be prescribed with medicines like antihistamines, steroid tablets and topical cream, while severe allergy will be prescribed emergency medicine known as adrenaline auto-injectors (for instance, EpiPen). Severe allergy might also be treated only by medical practitioners through immunotherapy to desensitise them of the allergens.
