Many of us have experience acid reflux from the stomach (commonly known as heartburn) at once in a while without causing any symptoms. This condition is called gastroesophageal reflux (GER). However, there are those who have to deal with it more than twice a week, with some experiencing symptoms such as sore throat, coughing, difficulty swallowing, chest pain, hoarseness, and regurgitation of food from the stomach. For these people, the condition is more severe and chronic, called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD can occur due to weak gastroesophageal sphincter, insufficient refluxed fluid clearance or changes of the refluxed fluid content. The risk factors of developing GERD include being overweight or obese, pregnant, smoker, some medications and having hiatal hernia.  

我们中的许多人偶尔会经历胃酸反流(通常称为胃灼热),但不会引起任何症状。这种情况称为胃食管反流(GER)。然而,有些人每周不得不经历两次以上的这种症状,一些人会出现喉咙痛、咳嗽、吞咽困难、胸痛、声音嘶哑和胃部食物反流等症状。对于这些人,病情更为严重和慢性,称为胃食管反流病(GERD)。 GERD可因胃食管括约肌薄弱、回流液清除不足或回流液含量变化而发生。发生GERD的危险因素包括超重或肥胖、怀孕、吸烟、某些药物和食管裂孔疝。

Without treatment, GERD can cause oesophageal inflammation, scarring of tissues and changes of visceral sensitivity, leading to complications, namely oesophageal and extraesophageal symptoms (as mentioned above), inflammation and erosion of oesophagus, narrowing of the oesophagus, impaired action of digestive muscles and cancer. Therefore, medical treatment is necessary, along with lifestyle changes to reduce frequency and prevent exacerbation of disease. Here are some tips to prevent acid reflux:


  1. Weight loss / 减肥

Being overweight or obese is one of the major risk factors for GERD as it can cause increased intra-abdominal pressure and increased capacity of gastric. Therefore, reducing weight can help in combating GERD for overweight and for those recently gaining weight.


  1. Avoid large meals / 避免大餐

Having infrequent but large meals can increase pressure to the lower oesophageal sphincter (LES), resulting in regurgitation and reflux. Thus, individuals with GERD should practice small and frequent meals (3 small meals with snacks in between instead of two to three large meals).


  1. Avoid recumbence after meals and meals prior to bedtime / 避免饭后和饭前卧床

Lying down right after taking meals can trigger backflow of stomach content to the oesophagus. So, people with GERD should have their meal at least 3 hours prior to lying down or sleeping.


  1. Adjust sleeping position / 调整睡姿

GERD patients should elevate the head of bed to around 6 to 8 inches to. Lying on the left side can also help reducing reflux episodes as it decreases acid clearance time and exposure of oesophagus to stomach acid.


  1. Avoid trigger food / 避免食用会引发胃酸倒流的食物

Some patients notice that certain food can cause the symptoms of GERD. This is most probably as the food can cause LES relaxation, slow gastric motility and lower stomach content pH. The common food that may triggers GERD include:


  • Fatty food / 高脂肪食物
  • Added sugars (eg. sweetened beverages and snacks; and sugars naturally present in honey, syrups, and fruit juices) / 添加糖分(例如:甜味饮料和零食、天然存在于蜂蜜、糖浆和果汁中的糖分)
  • Acidic/sour food (eg. Tomato, citrus fruits, pickle) / 酸性或酸味食物(例如:番茄、柑橘类水果、泡菜)
  • Coffee and caffeinated drinks / 咖啡和含咖啡因的饮料
  • Alcoholic drinks / 含酒精的饮料
  • Carbonated drinks / 碳酸饮料
  • Chocolate / 巧克力
  • Spicy food / 辛辣食物
  • Mint / 薄荷

Although some research does prove that the trigger food above mentioned can lead to GERD, it might not be the case to some people. Therefore, the changes made should be personalized based on symptoms, whereby reintroduction of foods and habits can be done if there is ineffective control of symptoms.


  1. Smoking cessation / 戒烟

Tobacco consumption can lower pressure of the LES. Therefore, smokers should consider avoiding smoking to reduce recurrence of GER.


  1. Regular (but not excessive) physical activity / 定期但不过量的体力活动

Excessive physical activity is a significant risk factor for the development of GERD. Meanwhile, regular and mild-moderate physical activity has been shown to reduce the symptoms of reflux.


While management of GERD through lifestyle changes can help reducing symptoms, if you suspect yourself to have the symptoms of GERD, you should refer to your medical practitioner for further treatment. 
