Salt 2 / 盐(第二章)

Salt 2 / 盐(第二章)

How to control my salt intake, at home and outside? 如何控制在外和家中的盐分摄入量? If you add salt during cooking or at the table, add small amounts. Learn to use spices and herbs, rather than salt, to enhance the flavour of food. Spices and herbs that are helpful such as bay leaf,...
Salt / 盐

Salt / 盐

    Every gram of salt is made up from 40 per cent sodium and 60 per cent chlorine and both play a vital part in keeping our bodies functioning. Salt plays a vital role in fluid balance, nerve transmission and muscle function. Salt is also important in culinary world...
Underweight  体重不足

Underweight 体重不足

   Get Active and Be A Healthy Weight  / 积极活动以保持健康体重If someone has a body mass index (BMI) below their healthy weight range it may mean that they are underweight. According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), underweight is when the BMI is below normal...
Sugar and Fat / 糖与脂肪

Sugar and Fat / 糖与脂肪

   Sugar and fat are two of the most discussed topics in nutrition. Have you ever wondered which one is better and which one is worse? Both have their own reasons to be our friend and our foe.糖和脂肪是营养学中讨论最多的两个主题。您有没有想过哪一个比较好及哪一个比较不好呢?两个都有成为我们的朋友和敌人的理由。Over the past few...