Hyperlipidemia : Part 2 HDL-Cholesterol 高脂血症:第2部 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇

Medical Conditions, Services



Cholesterol is a waxy fat protein made by the liver. It is essential for healthy cell membranes, brain functioning, hormone production, and vitamin storage. 


Two types of lipoproteins carry cholesterol to and from cells. One is low-density lipoprotein, or LDL. The other is high-density lipoprotein, or HDL. The amount of each type of cholesterol in your blood can be measured by a blood test.


We have shared about LDL-cholesterol before in Part 1. You have already learned that LDL is bad, so today it is time we share about the good HDL-cholesterol.


HDL-cholesterol is known to be good because it helps remove other forms of cholesterol from your blood stream. It acts as a scavenger, removing LDL-cholesterol from the arteries and back to the liver. There, the LDL-cholesterol will be broken down and excreted from the body.


A healthy HDL cholesterol level may protect against heart attack and stroke. Studies show that low levels of HDL cholesterol increase the risk of heart disease.


According to Clinical Practice Guideline for Hyperlipidemia 2017, the target HDL-C level is as follow: –


Male / 男性 : > 1.0 mmol/L
Female / 女性 : > 1.3 mmol/L

Don’t be discouraged if you have a low HDL-c level. Instead, focus on getting yourself healthier than before. You might want to follow these lifestyle changes to raise you HDL-C level.


  • Eat a healthy diet / 健康的饮食
  • Try to eat adequate fiber in your meal every day. Fiber from fruits and vegetables can help to control total cholesterol level thus improving your HDL-c level. Other than fruits and vegetables, high fiber food such as oats and beans can also boost your HDL-c level. Also, be sure to include monounsaturated fats (MUFA) in your diet. These are fats that are beneficial to your heart. Foods that are high in MUFA are nuts, such as walnuts or almonds and oils such as olive oil and canola oil. Be sure to avoid saturated fats and trans-fats, since these fats not only lower HDL, but can also raise LDL levels.
  • 尽量在每天餐中摄取足够的纤维。蔬菜水果中的纤维有助于控制总胆固醇的水平,进而提高您的HDL-C水平。除了蔬菜和水果,燕麦和豆类等高纤维食物也可以提高HDL-C水平。此外,一定要在您的饮食中加入单不饱和脂肪(MUFA)。单不饱和脂肪对您的心脏有益。MUFA含量高的食物包括坚果,如核桃或杏仁及油类,如橄榄油和菜籽油。您应避免摄取饱和脂肪和反式脂肪,因为这些脂肪不仅降低HDL胆固醇水平,还会提高LDL胆固醇水平。
  • Control your blood sugar level / 控制您的血糖水平
  • Diabetic patient who have uncontrolled blood sugar level might find their HDL-c level low. Getting your blood sugar under control may help get your HDL-c levels back within a healthy range. This can be done by modifying your lifestyle or taking medication to treat it.
  • 糖尿病患者如果没控制血糖在正常水平通常会有较低的HDL-C。控制血糖有助于将HDL-C恢复到健康水平。这可以通过改变您的生活方式或服用药物来治疗它。
  • Be physically active and stay at a healthy weight / 保持活跃及维持健康体重
  • According to Clinical Practice Guidelines for Hyperlipidemia 2017, doing regular aerobic exercise can increase HDL-c level by 3-10% (0.16 mmol/L). Vigorous exercise helps more in boosting HDL-c level. You should try to achieve healthy weight. You can boost your HDL level by losing weight, especially if you have lots of fat around your waist.
  • 根据2017年高脂血症临床实践指南,定期进行有氧运动可提高HDL-C水平至3-10%(16mmol/L)。剧烈运动有助于提高HDL-C水平。您应该维持健康的体重。减重有助于提高HDL-C水平,尤其是那些腰部有很多脂肪的人。
  • Quit Smoking / 戒烟
  • The chemicals found in cigarettes can lower your HDL cholesterol. Quitting smoking can help increase your HDL, as well as prevent other chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease.
  • 香烟中含有的化学物质可降低高密度脂蛋白胆固醇。戒烟有助于增加HDL,以及可预防其他慢性疾病,包括心血管疾病。

It is a fact that cholesterol is not the sole factor that causes heart disease. But keep in mind that people who have low HDL cholesterol will have greater risk of developing heart disease than people with high HDL levels. As a conclusion, lifestyle changes indeed can make a big difference to prevent cardiovascular diseases.


Stay tuned for our Part 3 on Triglyceride.


Keep reading and stay healthy!