Hyperlipidemia: Part 3 Triglyceride 高脂血症:第3部 甘油三酯

Medical Conditions, Services



Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in your blood. Basically, triglycerides are used as energy for our body. They come from the food we eat. The unused extra calories we eat will convert into triglycerides. Triglycerides are stored in your fat cells. Later, hormones release triglycerides for energy between meals.


We have shared about LDL and HDL-cholesterol before in Part 1 and Part 2.
So, what is the difference between triglycerides and cholesterol?



Triglycerides and cholesterol are different types of lipids that circulate in our blood. As we mentioned above, triglycerides are the unused calorie that are being stored as fat and later will be used as energy while cholesterol is used to build cells and hormones.


But keep in mind, raised level of LDL-cholesterol combined with high level of triglycerides, will increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases (stroke, heart attack, heart disease).


According to Clinical Practice Guideline for Hyperlipidemia 2017, the target triglycerides level is as follow: –


Triglycerides (TG): < 1.7 mmol/L

甘油三酯:< 1.7 mmol/L

How do high triglycerides reflect my health especially to my heart?


High triglycerides in your blood may affect your arteries. They are unused calories that turn into fats, therefore it will harden and thicken the arteries thus make the arteries narrow. This condition is called atherosclerosis.


High triglycerides level can be a sign to certain health conditions to like diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and metabolic syndrome.


What is the best way to reduce high triglycerides level?


If you have followed our last posts regarding LDL and HDL- cholesterol, you should have known that triglycerides and cholesterol are related. The ways to have a better level of triglycerides and cholesterol are basically the same.


  • Exercise regularly and keep a normal weight / 定期锻炼和维持正常的体重:

Exercise can help to boost good cholesterol and can lower triglycerides together with bad cholesterol. 30-minutes of exercise daily is enough to ensure healthy heart and better lipid profile. By reducing calorie intake and exercise regularly, one can reduce their weight and achieve ideal weight.


  • Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrate / 避免糖分和精制碳水化合物:

Simple sugars, such as fructose, are a common source of elevated triglycerides. Fructose occurs naturally in fruit and is added to many foods as a sweetener in the form of high-fructose corn syrup. This doesn’t mean that you can never eat fruits as they can be a healthy food choice as it contains vitamins, minerals, fibre, and water. Foods like candy, ice cream, flavoured sweetened yogurts, jellies need to be avoided as they contain a lot of sugar.


Refined carbohydrate can be added with sugar and normally being processed with white flour which can increase triglycerides level. Foods like pastry, pies, cookies and cakes should be avoided. Instead, choose wholemeal product such as wholemeal bread and oats as they contain high fibre that can help to reduce triglycerides level.


  • Limit alcohol intake / 限制酒精摄取量:

Alcohol intake will reduce the ability of the liver to process the compound thus make it turn into triglycerides. It is better to avoid alcohol if you have severe hyperlipidemia.


  • Choose healthier fats / 选择更健康的脂肪:

Trans saturated fat found in meats. For healthier fat found in plants, such as olive and canola oils. Instead of red meat, try fish high in omega-3 fatty acids — such as mackerel or salmon. Avoid trans fats or foods with hydrogenated oils or fats.


If healthy lifestyle changes aren’t enough to control high triglycerides, your doctor might recommend medications for treatment. But keep in mind that a healthy outside comes from the inside. Be determined to change your lifestyle to a better one, and good luck!


