Have you heard of thyroid? Thyroid is one butterfly-shaped gland located at our neck. This gland functions to control metabolic processes in our body (temperature, heart rate, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism et cetera), for growth and development. The gland does this through production of hormones T3, T4 and calcitonin. However, there are cases where the thyroid produces too much of these hormones for the body. This condition is called hyperthyroidism, also known as overactive thyroid or thyrotoxicosis.
你听说过甲状腺吗?甲状腺是位于我们颈部的一个呈蝴蝶状腺体。该腺体的功能是控制我们体内的代谢过程(温度、心率、脂肪和碳水化合物代谢等)。它通过产生激素 T3、T4 和降钙素来促进生长和发育。然而,在某些情况下,甲状腺会为身体产生过多的这些激素。这种情况称为甲状腺功能亢进症,也称为甲状腺毒症。
There are several causes of hyperthyroidism, which include Grave’s disease, toxic nodular goitre, thyroiditis, excessive thyroid medication for underactive thyroid, excess iodine consumption and non-cancerous tumour. Hyperthyroidism can be asymptomatic. However, for people who do have symptoms, they vary, and might include heart palpitations, weight loss, lethargy, irritability or nervousness, tremor, mood swing, unable to tolerate heat, trouble sleeping, mood swing, frequent bowel movement, muscle weakness and swollen neck.
Untreated hyperthyroidism may cause serious problems which affects the heart, bone, muscle, sight, and fertility. The treatment of hyperthyroidism depends on the cause, which include radioactive iodine, medicine, and surgery. For those on treatment, seek advice from your health practitioner on the dos and don’ts while on treatment. Generally, prior to treatment, some dietary management that can be done are as below:
1. Reduce intake of iodine rich food / 减少含碘食物的摄入:
Because thyroid hormones are produced from iodine, limiting consumption of iodine rich food can help reducing the hormone production. High iodine food include:
– Iodized salt and water / 碘盐和碘水
– Fish, seafood and seaweed / 鱼、海鲜和海藻
– Dairy products (milk, cheese and yogurt) / 乳制品(牛奶、奶酪和酸奶)
– Egg yolk / 蛋黄
– Red dye / 红色染料
2. Consume adequate calcium and vitamin D / 摄入足够的钙质和维生素D
Overt hyperthyroidism is an important cause of secondary osteoporosis. This is as it is associated with accelerated bone turnover, reduced bone density, porous bone (osteoporosis) and increased fracture rate because of changes in calcium balance.
Sources of calcium include dairy products, fish eaten with bones, green leafy vegetables, legumes, and fortified food such as tofu, juice et cetera.
Sources of vitamin D include sunlight exposure, oily fish, fortified food, egg yolk, offal, and mushrooms.
3. Reduce caffeine intake / 减少咖啡因的摄入
Caffeine can increase autonomic nervous system activity, which one main function is controlling the heart rate. Consumption of caffeine may exacerbate the fast heart rate of people with hyperthyroidism. Thus, patients should limit intake of caffeine sources such as coffee, tea, energy drinks and supplement.
4. Antioxidants (Selenium, zinc, copper, vitamin A, C and E) / 抗氧化剂(硒、锌、铜、维生素A、C和E)
Overproduction of thyroid hormones can lead to increase of free radicals, causing oxidative stress. This then results in clinical manifestation of hyperthyroidism such as fatigue. Antioxidants can attenuate the damaging effect of the free radicals, resulting in improvement of some symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism.
Antioxidants can be obtained through consumption of balanced diet that incorporates a vast variety of food groups (excluding unhealthy food such as high trans-fat and saturated fat food). They are most abundant in fruits and vegetables, as well as other foods including nuts, legumes, wholegrains and are present in some meats, poultry, and fish.
All in all, although dietary intake alone cannot cure hyperthyroidism, it can help in preventing exacerbation of the disease. Get advice from your healthcare professionals if you appear to have the signs of hyperthyroidism.