Previously, we have discussed on the topic hyperthyroidism. This time, we will touch on hypothyroidism, another disease of the thyroid. Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck. It produces hormones responsible for metabolism and the control of body functions such as the heart rate, temperature, digestion, and moods. Hypothyroidism is a condition whereby the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, causing these body functions to decelerate.


There are many causes of hypothyroidism, which include Hashimoto’s disease (autoimmune disorder), thyroiditis, congenital hypothyroidism, radiation treatment or surgical removal of the thyroid gland, and some medication. In rare cases, this condition can be caused by pituitary disease or iodine deficiency in the diet. Hypothyroidism can occur without any symptoms, but patients might experience fatigue or tiredness, unintentional weight gain, depression, cold intolerance, dry skin, dry and thinning hair, join and muscle aches, abnormal menstrual periods or fertility problems, and low heart rate. Hypothyroidism can be treated through hormone replacement medicine called levothyroxine.


Hypothyroidism can contribute to high cholesterol level. Severe untreated hypothyroidism, though rare, can lead to myxoedema coma, where the body functions slow down to a life-threatening point. In pregnant women, this disease can cause complications such as preterm birth, preeclampsia, miscarriage and can affect the growth and development of the baby.


To treat hypothyroidism, patients may be prescribed with levothyroxine which is a synthetic thyroid hormone. This hormone can interact with food and caffein, therefore it is best to take it with a gap of at least 30 minutes before consuming anything else. 


Currently, there is no specific diet proven to treat hypothyroidism. However, people with hypothyroidism may benefit from these dietary changes:


  1. Consume balanced meal / 均衡膳食

Like any other body functions, thyroid hormone production relies on the adequacy of nutrients consumed. The main nutrients associated with thyroid function is iodine. Adequate iodine intake is needed in the production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid follicular cells. However, is it advisable to increase intake of iodine to possibly reverse hypothyroidism? In some cases, whereby iodine deficiency is the cause of hypothyroidism, consumption of adequate (not excessive) iodine from food and supplement may restore the thyroid function. However, in cases of autoimmune thyroid disorders, excessive iodine intake can further aggravate hypothyroidism. Individuals with restricted diets such as vegetarians are at higher risk of having iodine inadequacy as vegetables are not iodine-rich food source.


Aside from iodine, various other micronutrients are also important for thyroid function, such as selenium, iron, zinc, magnesium, Vitamin B and D. With balanced meal that emphasizes on vegetables, fruits, beans, seeds, whole grains, nuts; and includes fish, lean meat, low or non-fat dairy and non-tropical plant oil, individuals can get a proper amount of aforementioned nutrients. This balanced diet will also provide individuals with antioxidants, polyphenols and omega-3; all of which have anti-inflammatory properties helpful in preventing inflammation, which is one of the primary causes of hypothyroidism.


  1. Avoid excessive consumption of goitrogenic food / 避免过量食用会导致甲状腺肿大的食物

Goitrogen, – derived from the word ‘goitre’ which means the enlargement of thyroid -, is a compound that can interfere with the production of thyroid hormone, mostly through competing with iodine uptake by thyrocytes causing reduced iodine utilization or by impairing the enzyme activities essential for thyroid hormone production. However, there is no specific guidelines on how much goitrogens can be consumed until they significantly affect the thyroid function. Goitrogens typically shows their effect after prolonged use and/or when consumed in large amount and are of greater impact when paired with low iodine intake.


Goitrogen is a cause of concern in countries where goitrogenic foods, such as cassava, maize, bamboo shoots, sweet potato, pearl millet and lima beans, are staple. Otherwise, they are safe to consume if consumption is not in excess. Hypothyroid patients can avoid consumption of raw cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, mustard leaves, and turnip. Instead, these vegetables should be cooked as the cooking can denature the goitrogens. Soy products are also goitrogenic, but there is no conclusive evidence on the effect of soy to the thyroid function. Thus, they are safe to consume in moderate amount.


  1. Avoid pro-inflammatory food / 避免食用促炎的食物

As mentioned previously, one of the main causes of hypothyroidism is inflammation (such as in autoimmune diseases). Thus, it is crucial for individuals with hypothyroid to avoid pro-inflammatory food. Pro-inflammatory food can affect the key pathways to inflammation which includes sympathetic activities, oxidative stress, and activation of pro-inflammatory cytokines (signaling proteins that control inflammation).  


Among the foods that contributes to inflammation are processed meats (such as patty and sausage), processed food (such as fast food, chips, and instant noodles), food with added sugar and salt, sweetened beverages (carbonated drinks, 3 in 1 drinks et cetera), refined grains (white rice, white bread et cetera), saturated and trans-fat.


In conclusion, there is no specific dietary guidelines in preventing or treating hypothyroidism. However, some changes can help in improving the disease. It is best to consult your healthcare provider before making changes on your dietary intake.
