Most of us are well informed that consuming adequate vitamins can help in optimizing our health. But do you know what exactly is vitamin? Vitamins are micronutrients, meaning that they are nutrients needed by the body in small amount. However, they have crucial roles in many biochemical functions, with deficiency causing severe and, in some cases, life-threatening conditions. Vitamins can be divided into two main groups – fat-soluble (easily stored in fat upon absorption) and water-soluble (dissolve in water and are not easily stored).

Water-soluble (Vitamin B & C)

– Vitamin B / 维生素B
Vitamin B consists of vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (Pantothenic acid), B6 (Pyridoxine), B7 (Biotin), B9 (Folate) and B12 (Cobalamin). The major function of vitamin B6, B9 and B12 is to work with iron to make healthy red blood cells. This is important as red blood cells carry and distribute oxygens to our organs. Inadequacy can result in anaemia (not enough red blood cells). Vitamin B9 and B12 is common, normally affecting certain population such as pregnant or lactating mother and elderly. Isolated vitamin B6 deficiency is not common, and usually is associated with vitamin B9 and B12 deficiency.
维生素B由维生素B1(硫胺素)、B2(核黄素)、B3(烟酸)、B5(泛酸)、B6 (吡哆醇)、B7(生物素)、B9(叶酸)和 B12(钴胺素)组成。维生素B6、B9和B12的主要功能是与铁一起制造健康的红细胞。这很重要,因为红细胞携带氧气并将其分配给我们的器官。维生素B的不足会导致贫血(红细胞不足)。很常见的维生素B9和B12通常会影响某些人群,例如孕妇或哺乳期母亲和老年人。维生素B6缺乏症并不常见,通常与维生素B9和B12缺乏症有关。

On the other hand, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 and B7 aids in metabolism of fat and carbohydrate and protein to provide energy for our body. Severe deficiency can cause diseases such as beriberi and pellagra. However, deficiency is uncommon.

Good vitamin B1 sources include peas, fruits, nuts, wholegrain bread, and liver. Vitamin B2 rich food include dairy products, egg and mushrooms, while B3 is abundant in meat, fish, wheat flour and egg. Vitamin B5 and B6 is found in wide variety of vegetables, wholegrain foods, and meat. Vitamin B7 is naturally produced by the bacteria in our gut. High vitamin B9 food includes green and leafy vegetables, peas, beans, nuts, seeds, and liver. Vitamin B12 sources are mainly from animal sources, which are meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs. Vegan B12 sources include mushrooms, seaweed, nutritional yeasts and fortified food.

– Vitamin C / 维生素C
Vitamin C is needed to repair and maintain healthy skin, bones, joints, and blood vessels. It also is important in wound healing. It plays a vital role in the production of collagen and helps limit the damaging effect of free radicals as it acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin C also aids the absorption of nonheme iron (Iron obtained from plant-based food) and contributes to the immune system by helping the white blood cells function more effectively. Inadequacy of vitamin C can lead to scurvy, which among the symptoms include fatigue, connective tissue weakness and easy bruising.

Vitamin C can be found in various fruit and vegetables, but is most abundant in citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers, berries, kiwifruits, potatoes (especially if eaten with skin), cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli), green and leafy vegetables.

Fat-soluble (Vitamin A, D, E & K)

– Vitamin A / 维生素A
Vitamin A in our diet can be categorised into two, preformed vitamin A (animal sources) and provitamin A (plant sources, converted into vitamin A in the intestine). Vitamin A promotes good eyesight especially in darkness, as well as aiding in formation and maintenance of healthy teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, mucus membrane and skin. Deficiency, while uncommon, can cause eye condition namely xerophthalmia which, if untreated, can lead to blindness.

Preformed vitamin A is found in oily fish (such as herring and salmon), organ meats (also high in cholesterol, and unsafe for pregnancy), dairy products, eggs, and fortified food (such as spreads and breakfast cereal). Provitamin A sources include yellow, orange, purple and red vegetables or fruits, and leafy greens.

– Vitamin D / 维生素D
Vitamin D in food comes in two main forms, D2 and D3. Although some research shows that Vitamin D3 is more efficient in increasing our body’s serum vitamin D than D2, both forms are absorbed well. Vitamin D functions to promote calcium absorption in the intestines, regulation of serum calcium and phosphate for normal bone mineralization. Inadequacy of vitamin D affects bone strength, leading to fractures and diseases such as rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.

Our skin exposure towards ultraviolet (UV) rays from direct sunlight can trigger vitamin D synthesis. However, the production rate varies according to location, clothing, sunscreen use, skin pigmentation, age, and obesity. Vitamin D is also found in some food, including
oily fish, liver, egg yolk, mushrooms and fortified food such as dairy products, soft spread, breakfast cereal, orange juice and soy drink.

– Vitamin E / 维生素E
Vitamin E is an antioxidant. It prevents free radicals (which can cause diseases such as heart disease and cancer) from damaging the cells. Vitamin E also partakes in strengthening the immune function. Vitamin E deficiency is rare. However, one might experience symptoms such as peripheral neuropathy, muscle weakness and incoordination, retinopathy, and impairment of the immune response in case of severe inadequacy.

Vitamin E comes in several forms, but only alpha tocopherol is used in human. The sources of vitamin E include nuts, seeds, plant oils (such as rapeseed, sunflower, and corn oil), leafy greens, wheatgerm and fortified cereals.

– Vitamin K / 维生素K
Vitamin K helps in blood clotting and wound healing. It is also needed in bone metabolism. There are three types of vitamin K, which are K1, K2 and K3. Vitamin K1 is the primary dietary form of vitamin K, while vitamin K2 is mainly of bacterial origin. Vitamin K3 is synthetic vitamin K, normally found as dietary supplement. Severe deficiency of vitamin K leads to bleeding and haemorrhage (including bruising). It can also lead to poor bone health.

The sources of vitamin K include green and leafy vegetables, plant oils, soy products and some fruits (kiwifruit, dried fruits et cetera). Fermented food such as natto, cheese and tempeh are also good vitamin K sources. Vitamin K can reduce the effectiveness of blood thinning medication (warfarin), therefore those who are on the medication should talk to the healthcare provider on their vitamin K intake.

While vitamins are important for normal bodily function, adequate amount can be obtained through our dietary intake (except for certain cases such as pregnancy, veganism, and malabsorption), as long as we include a variety of food sources in our meal. Supplementation, in excess, might even cause toxicity especially for fat soluble vitamins, leading to symptoms such as nausea, headache and mental changes. Some vitamin absorption can be affected by caffeine, alcohol, smoking and certain medications. Therefore, if you consume any of these, be sure to have a gap of at least 30 minutes before or after taking your healthful meals.