Trace minerals are equally as important as major minerals but are needed in a smaller amount, which is lower than 100 mg/day. There are a variety of microminerals, which include (and not limited to) iron, zinc, iodine, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, and molybdenum.


  • Iron / 铁

Iron is a component of haemoglobin in red blood cells, functions to deliver oxygen to the tissues. It is also a component of myoglobin in muscles responsible for oxygen delivery, muscle metabolism and healthy connective tissues. Iron is crucial for physical growth, neurological development, cellular function, and hormonal synthesis. Iron can be obtained in two forms, heme iron (animals) and non-heme iron (plants). Sources of heme iron includes lean meat, fish, organs, and seafood. Non-heme iron sources are nuts, beans, vegetables (leafy greens) and fortified grains. Heme iron is more easily absorbed. Non-heme iron absorption can be increased through consumption with high vitamin C food and heme iron sources. Some plant components such as phytate and polyphenols, and calcium inhibits iron absorption. Iron deficiency causes fatigue, difficulty concentrating, anaemia, impaired cognitive and immune function. Iron overload is rare in normal population. Excessive supplementation can reduce zinc absorption and cause gastrointestinal effects such as nausea. Even higher doses can cause intestinal necrosis. In individuals with medical conditions such as hemochromatosis, iron overload can happen. Without treatment, this can cause liver disease, heart disease and impaired pancreatic function.


  • Zinc / 锌

Zinc is required for cellular metabolism, enzyme activities, protein and DNA synthesis, and wound healing. It also enhances immune function, supports normal growth and development, and is involved in the sense of taste. Zinc can be obtained from meat, fish, seafood, eggs, and dairy products. Zinc is also found in beans, nuts, and whole grains but the absorption is lower due to phytate content in plants. Zinc deficiency affects many different tissue and organs as it has a variety of functions. It can affect skin, bones, digestion, reproduction, immune and central nervous system. Zinc deficiency can affect senses of taste and smell, causes growth delay, frequent infection, impaired wound healing, changes in cognitive and psychological function. Zinc toxicity leads to nausea, dizziness, headache, gastric distress, and loss of appetite. Excessive zinc use leads to low magnesium and copper absorption, reduced immune function and low HDL-cholesterol level (good cholesterol).


  • Selenium / 硒

Selenium plays critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis and protection from oxidative damage and infection. Selenium is rich in Brazil nuts, seafood, fish and organ meats, but can also be found in other legumes, nuts, seeds, lean meat, cereals, grains, dairy products and egg. Vegetables also contain selenium, but the amount depends on the soil mineral content. Selenium deficiency is rare but can happen in people fed through long term total parenteral nutrition (TPN, intravenously). Keshan disease (abnormality of the heart muscle), Kashin-Beck disease (joint and bone disease) is associated with lack of selenium. Excessive selenium is uncommon, but can cause selenosis, leading to symptoms such as hair loss, nail problem, nausea, irritability, fatigue, and mild nerve damage.


  • Copper / 铜

Copper is cofactor for multiple enzymes responsible for energy production, iron metabolism, connective tissue synthesis and neurotransmitter synthesis. Copper also aids in other physiological processes such as brain development, pigmentation, and immune system. Copper is abundant in shellfish, seeds, nuts, organ meats, wheat-bran, wholegrain, bean and potatoes.  Other sources include dark leafy greens, dried fruits, and cocoa. Copper deficiency is not common in humans, but studies showed it can lead to anaemia, lack of pigmentation, high cholesterol level, abnormal fat metabolism, connective tissue disorder, weakened bone and increased infection risk. Copper toxicity is rare. However, people with Wilson’s disease who are at risk of copper toxicity, or exposure to high level of copper in long term (such as copper in stagnant water or household plumbing) can cause liver damage, gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhoea, brain, and other organ damage.


  • Manganese / 锰

Manganese is a cofactor of various enzymes involved in amino acid, cholesterol, glucose and carbohydrate metabolism, reactive oxygen species scavenging, bone formation, reproduction, and immune response. Manganese also works with vitamin K to aid in blood clotting and haemostasis. Manganese can be found in many foods including wholegrains, shellfish, nuts, legumes, rice, leafy vegetables, coffee, tea, and spices. Manganese deficiency is very seldomly seen, and signs and symptoms of deficiency have yet to be established firmly. Limited evidence suggests that deficiency might cause bone problem and poor growth in children. It might also alter lipid and carbohydrate metabolism and cause abnormal glucose tolerance. No evidence on toxicity through dietary intake has been observed, but toxicity through water containing high magnesium or high occupational exposure can affect central nervous system, leading to neuromotor impairment such as tremors, muscle spasm, balance problem et cetera. Other symptoms include psychological problem such as mania and depression, headache, irritability, and mood changes.


  • Molybdenum / 钼

Molybdenum is a component of cofactor for some enzymes responsible for metabolism of sulphur-containing amino acids, heterocyclic compounds such as purines, drugs and toxins. Beans contain high amount of molybdenum.  Other sources are grains, nuts, some dark leafy greens, certain cruciferous vegetables, pork, lamb and beef liver. Eggs, seeds, lentils and dairy products also contain molybdenum. The content of molybdenum depends on soil mineral content (directly from plant or from animal consuming molybdenum-containing plant). No known groups of people are likely to have inadequate molybdenum intake. Toxicity is rare but can occur in occupational exposure. Effects include achy joints, gout-like symptoms, and high uric acid.


  • Chromium / 铬

Chromium potentiates insulin actions, thus might be involved in metabolism of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein. It also might have antioxidant effects. Chromium is present in small amount in a wide variety of foods including meats, fish, wholegrains, certain vegetables and fruits, egg yolk, nuts, spices, beer and wine, and the amount depends on the mineral soil content. Dairy products and high sugary foods are low in chromium. Deficiency does not occur in normal population, but past studies in long term TPN patients showed adverse metabolic and neurological effects such as hyperglycaemia, unexplained weight loss and peripheral neuropathy. Chromium toxicity also rarely occurs, but isolated case reports showed that excessive chromium supplementation might cause weight loss, anaemia, liver and renal failure, dermatitis, and hypoglycaemia.

铬可增强胰岛素作用,因此可能参与碳水化合物、脂质和蛋白质的代谢。它还可能具有抗氧化作用。铬少量存在于多种食物中,包括肉类、鱼类、全谷物、某些蔬菜和水果、蛋黄、坚果、香料、啤酒和葡萄酒,其含量取决于矿质土壤的含量。乳制品和高糖食品的铬含量较低。正常人群中不会出现缺乏症,但过去对长期全肠外营养(TPN) 患者的研究表明,会出现不良的代谢和神经系统影响,如高血糖、不明原因的体重减轻和周围神经病变。铬中毒也很少发生,但个别病例报告表明,过量补充铬可能导致体重减轻、贫血、肝肾衰竭、皮炎和低血糖。

Other microminerals not discussed is generally considered nonessential as there is no definite biochemical function in humans and the lack of these elements has not been proven to interrupt the cycle of life.


Through incorporation of balanced diet with variety of healthful food, the general population can achieve adequate mineral intake. Except for some minerals like iron, iodine, zinc and calcium, mineral deficiencies normally do not develop spontaneously in adults with normal dietary intake. Infants are more susceptible to this due to rapid growth and changes in dietary intake. Certain conditions such as hereditary disorders, parenteral nutrition, and restrictive diet due to congenital disorders et cetera can also cause mineral imbalance. Minerals toxicity rarely occurs, but can happen in individuals taking multivitamin/minerals, especially when the person takes more than the prescribed doses in products that provides 100 percent of the daily value of nutrients.


Mineral requirement varies in specific populations. In cases such as pregnancy, breastfeeding and anaemia, individuals will need to consume more of some of the minerals and supplementation might be prescribed. On the other hand, patients with conditions such as kidney disease and thalassemia might have to limit some minerals due to abnormal absorption or inability to remove excess minerals. Therefore, it is best to consult with your healthcare professionals before incorporating any changes to your diet.
