Our digestive system is responsible for the breakdown of food into smaller chemical components to be absorbed by the body for energy production, cell repair, and growth. The digestive system is made up of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract consisting of the oral cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, and anus. Although there is no precise definition of gut health, generally it pertains to the positive aspects of the GI tract such as the effectiveness of digestion and the absence of illness.


The health of our gut depends on the gut microbiota (GM). In the human GI itself, there are approximately 300 to 500 bacterial species. The GM’s composition is shaped in early life depending on infant transitions (i.e. birth mode, gestational date et cetera) and remains relatively stable in adulthood. However, it can be altered based on other factors such as body mass index (BMI), physical activity, and dietary intake. While there is no specific measure of gut health, unhealthy gut might present with signs, which are digestive symptoms (i.e. diarrhoea, acid reflux et cetera), sluggishness, fatigue, poor sleep quality, emotional disturbance, frequent contraction of infectious illness, and sudden weight loss or gain.

我们肠道的健康取决于肠道微生物群 (GM)。在人类胃肠道中,大约有300至500种细菌。微生物群的组成在生命早期根据婴儿的转变(即出生方式、妊娠日期等)而形成,并在成年后保持相对稳定。然而,它可以根据其他因素进行改变,例如体重指数 (BMI)、体力活动和饮食摄入量。虽然没有具体的衡量肠道健康状况的指标,但肠道不健康可能会出现一些症状,包括消化系统症状(如腹泻、胃酸反流等)、呆滞、疲劳、睡眠质量差、情绪紊乱、传染病频繁发作以及突发性腹泻等、体重突然减轻或增加。

Research on this topic is still ongoing, but it appears that GI health plays crucial roles in overall health. It has been found that gut health is associated with the immune system, mental health, gastrointestinal disorders, endocrine disorders, cardiovascular disease, cancer, sleep, and autoimmune disease. Therefore, it is important to ensure that our gut health is optimal at all times. Although some factors cannot be controlled, making changes to our dietary and lifestyle habits can improve GI health. Here are some tips:


The dos / 该做的:

  1. Balanced and diverse range of food / 均衡且多样化的食物

Balanced meal with a variety of food types including vegetables and fruits will provide all essential nutrients for the gut including vitamins and minerals. Food diversity can enhance microbiome diversity in the gut.


  1. Increase fibre intake / 增加纤维摄入量

Fibre, which can be obtained through the consumption of wholegrains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts has various benefits. These include prevention of diarrhoea, constipation, and associated problems such as haemorrhoids by bulking the stools, reducing transit time et cetera. Fibre also helps to increase microbiota viability and diversity and may prevent colorectal cancer.


  1. Consume prebiotics-containing food / 食用含益生元的食物

Prebiotics can be helpful for the gut bacteria, as they stimulate and increase the activities of these healthful bacteria. They are found in some dietary products such as vegetables (asparagus, garlic, onion, guar beet, leek et cetera), wholegrains (barley, rye, wheat, oat), human and cow’s milk, honey, legumes (peas, lentils et cetera), nuts (pistachio, cashew, almond et cetera) honey, and seaweed.


  1. Consume probiotics-containing food / 食用含益生菌的食物

Probiotic bacteria may help the body to maintain a healthy community of microorganisms. It can prevent and treat antibiotics-associated and infectious diarrhoea. Sources of probiotics are kefir, yoghurt, kombucha, fermented vegetables (such as sauerkraut and kimchi), tempeh, natto, miso and cheese.


  1. Adequate water intake / 充足的饮水量

Water is needed to remove wastes through bowel movement and aids in food break-down. Water also assists with softening stools, helping to prevent constipation. On the other hand, liquids such as carbonated drinks can lead to gas, while caffeine can cause increased stomach acidity, both of which lead to heartburn; therefore it is best to limit the intake. 


  1. Practise mindful eating / 练习正念饮食

Mindful eating means using physical and emotional senses to experience the food. The practice includes eating slowly, recognizing feelings of hunger and fullness, avoiding distraction, and having regular mealtime. All of these can improve digestion and reduce risk of GI-related problems such as gas, indigestion, and heartburn through a more thorough mechanical digestion (chewing), better regulation of digestive hormones and enzymes, and overeating prevention.  


  1. Engage in physical activity / 参加体力活动

Physical activity can improve the motility of the digestive system. This will prevent constipation. Physical activity is also protective against colon cancer. Ideally, one should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week to obtain the benefit of exercise for gut health.  


The don’ts / 不该做的事:

  1. High fat and ultra-processed food (UPF) / 高脂肪和超加工食

High fat and UPF can disrupt the intestinal barrier and increase the permeability of intestinal wall, leading to microbiota dysbiosis. As a result, mucosal immunity is lowered, causing increased susceptibility to infection. High fat and UPF are also associated with higher risk of IBS. It also slows digestion, increasing risk of stomach pain and heartburn. 


  1. Overconsumption of sugar and artificial sweeteners / 过量食用糖和人造甜味剂

Like high fat and UPF food, excessive intake of sugar and artificial sweetener can alter the intestinal barrier, leading to microbiota dysbiosis.


  1. Excessive alcohol intake / 过量饮酒

Excessive alcohol intake impairs the function of the GI muscles and activities, causing GI symptoms such as diarrhoea and acid reflux. It also damages the lining of the oesophagus, leading to increased oesophageal cancer risk. Alcohol can result in malnutrition as it inhibits the absorption of nutrients in the small intestines and can increase toxin absorption across the intestinal walls, causing alcohol-related organ damage.  


  1. Smoking / 吸烟

Smoking increases the risk of developing digestive tract diseases such as acid reflux, Crohn’s disease, peptic ulcer, IBS, and cancer as it can induce inflammation and increase free radicals, causing mucosal damage, changes in gut irrigation, and impaired mucosal immune response.


  1. Antibiotics misuse / 滥用抗生素

While antibiotics can kill the pathogenic bacteria in cases of bacterial infection, it cannot distinguish between the good and the bad bacteria. Therefore, misuse of antibiotics such as consuming without prescription can disrupt the gut bacteria.  


  1. Excessive spice consumption / 过度食用香料

Spices are rich in polyphenols, have antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. However, current studies show that high concentrations of capsaicin, a compound found in chilli peppers, can influence gastric acid secretion, damage intestinal barrier, and cause mucosal inflammation, leading to GI symptoms such as pain, heartburn, and diarrhoea.
