Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): The Nutrition Dos and Don’ts 多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS):营养指南

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a syndrome caused by a complex hormonal condition affecting how the ovaries work. PCOS increases the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes mellitus. This is as it can cause high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, inflammation, and high visceral fat (central adiposity).

Among the nutrition related symptoms of PCOS is food cravings, especially of carbohydrate or sugary foods, weight loss difficulty or easily gaining weight and binge eating. To date, there is no cure for PCOS. However, it can be effectively improved by dietary and lifestyle changes. Here, we include the nutrition dos and don’ts to manage the symptoms of PCOS.

Don’ts / 不要做的事
1. Refined Carbohydrates & Added Sugar / 精制碳水化合物和添加糖
Refined carbohydrate can cause blood sugar to fluctuate, leading to cravings and overeating. It can also cause insulin level to spike, promoting abdominal fat storage. Therefore, the intake of refined grains, such as white rice, white flour and white bread should also be reduced. Similarly, added sugars, which include table sugar, honey, high fructose corn syrup et cetera should be avoided.

2. Excessive Intake of Unhealthy Fat / 过量摄入不健康的脂肪
Intake of unhealthy fats in excess causes inflammation, which can worsen the symptoms of PCOS. Therefore, intake of saturated fat sources such as butter, poultry skin, fatty meat, ghee, coconut milk, palm oil, high fat dairy and so should be limited. Trans-fat sources such as processed food, hard margarine, shortening, pastries, cookies, and non-dairy creamers should also be avoided.

Dos / 可以做的事
1. Balanced Meal with Appropriate Mealtime / 平衡膳食和适当的进餐时间
PCOS patient should consume balanced meal consisting of wholegrain carbohydrate, lean protein, fibre, and healthy fat. Mealtime should be consistent, and small, frequent meals (3 main meals with healthy snacks in between) is preferred. Balanced meal with appropriate meal-timing can prevent blood glucose and insulin fluctuations, which helps in managing androgen production, craving, and overeating.
多囊卵巢综合征患者应摄入由全麦碳水化合物、瘦肉蛋白、纤维和健康脂肪组成的均衡膳食。进餐时间应保持一致,最好少食多餐(3 顿主餐,中间夹点健康零食)。均衡的膳食和适当的进餐时间可以防止血糖和胰岛素波动,这有助于控制雄激素的产生、渴望和暴饮暴食。

2. High Fibre / 高纤维
Fibre sources, including vegetables, legumes, wholegrain products, fruits, nuts, and seeds can help in lowering the glucose spike. They can also aid in improving satiety and reduce inflammation.

3. Anti-inflammatory Food / 消炎食品
• Omega-3 fatty acids / Omega-3脂肪酸
Research showed that omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA play a significant role in preventing inflammation. Thus, sources of the nutrient, which include fish and seafood (especially cold-water fatty fish), nuts and seeds, plant oils and fortified foods can be included in the daily intake.
研究显示,EPA 和 DHA 等 omega-3 脂肪酸在预防炎症方面发挥着重要的作用。因此,营养素的来源,包括鱼和海鲜(尤其是冷水肥鱼)、坚果和种子、植物油和强化食品可以包含在每日摄入量中。

• Antioxidants / 抗氧化剂
Foods containing vitamin A, C, E, selenium, zinc, copper, and phytochemicals has antioxidant-properties, which can prevent inflammation. These nutrients can be obtained through a healthy balanced diet that include a variety of vegetables and legumes or beans, fruit, whole grain foods and cereals, lean meat, poultry and protein, low fat dairy and its alternatives.
含有维生素 A、C、E、硒、锌、铜和植物化学物质的食物具有抗氧化特性,可以预防炎症。这些营养素可以通过健康均衡的饮食获得,包括各种蔬菜和豆类、水果、全谷类食品、瘦肉、家禽和蛋白质、低脂乳制品及其替代品。

4. Physical Activity / 体力活动
Physical activity can improve body’s response to insulin and reduce the androgen levels in PCOS patients. Guidelines recommended a minimum of 150 minutes/week of moderate intensity physical activity or 75 minutes/week of vigorous intensity or an equivalent combination of both to prevent weight gain and maintain good health. A minimum of 250 minutes/week of moderate intensity activities or 150 minutes/week of vigorous intensity or an equivalent combination of both is recommended for weight loss and prevention of weight gain.