Rapid Weight Loss 快速减肥

Obesity has become widespread in our world today. According to WHO, worldwide obesity has almost tripled since 1975. This is worrisome as obesity is the leading cause of non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes type 2 and heart problem. These days, various types of diet have been improvised in order to combat this problem, with some of them causing rapid weight loss.

肥胖在现在已经很普遍。据世界卫生组织称,自 1975 年以来,全球肥胖人数几乎增加了两倍。这事令人担忧,因为肥胖是高血压、2 型糖尿病和心脏病等非传染性疾病的主要因素。这些天来,为了解决这个问题,各种类型的饮食已经被即兴发挥,其中一些会导致体重迅速下降。

Rapid weight loss is defined as losing more than 1 kg per week over several weeks. This is normally achieved through consuming very few calories (<800 kcal/day). While it might be tempting to be able to lose, say, 10 kg in just 1 month, it comes with several possible risks. Today, in this article, we are going to discuss on the dangers of drastic weight loss.

快速减肥被定义为在数周内每周减掉超过 1 公斤。这通常是通过消耗很少的卡路里(<800 kcal/天)来实现的。虽然在短短 1 个月内减掉 10 公斤可能很诱人,但它也带来了一些可能性的风险。今天,在这篇文章中,我们将讨论快速减肥的危险。


  1. Gallstones / 胆结石

Rapid weight loss can cause formation of gallstones in the gallbladder, which, if untreated, may cause blockage, inflammation, and rupture. This is as rapid weight loss increase cholesterol content in the bile as fats are utilized and disposed of the body. Low calorie intake can also cause reduced formation of bile and decreased contractions of the gallbladder, leading to gallstones.


  1. Low muscle mass / 肌肉量低

While some research found that there is no difference in weight gain between those who lose weight rapidly or those who lose slowly, those with rapid weight loss lose greater amount of muscle mass in comparison to those who did so gradually. This is as the calorie deficit causes the body to break down muscle to provide energy and fuel for the body. In turn, this cause reduced balance, poor posture and weakness.


  1. Slowed-down metabolism / 新陈代谢减慢

Muscles need higher energy to build and to maintain in comparison to fat, therefore it significantly contributes to our body’s resting metabolic rate (the rate at which our body burn energy while in resting state). Muscle is also involved in many involuntary body actions such as shivering. Since drastic weight loss can cause reduction in muscle mass, your metabolism will also slow down, and you burn less calorie in a day.  


  1. High uric acid / 高尿酸

Rapid weight loss results in fast degradation of body cells, resulting in rapid increase of uric acids in the body. This increases the risk of developing complications such as gout and kidney stones. In a person with gout, rapid weight loss can even cause gout attack.


  1. Dehydration / 脱水

When a person lose weight too quickly, they are mainly losing water weight instead of fat. Furthermore, diet that restricts carbohydrate excessively cause the emptying of glycogen storage in the body to produce energy, which holds water. This can lead to dehydration, which symptoms include headache, constipation, and fatigue.  


  1. Malnutrition / 营养不良

To achieve weight loss drastically, some major nutrient sources such as carbohydrate, protein and fat can be restricted or eliminated. This can result in malnutrition. For instance, carbohydrate, along as a source of energy, also provides fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Missing carbohydrates in the diet means losing all these important nutrition. A person may even experience hyponatremia (low sodium in blood), hypokalaemia (low potassium in blood), low blood pressure, reduced bone density and hypoglycaemia as a result of excessive energy restriction and inadequate nutrition to produce rapid weight loss.


To conclude, unless under the supervision of healthcare providers, one should not engage in any dietary methods that can induce drastic weight loss.
