
Rice is widely consumed in most parts of the world especially for people in Asia. But there are several myths attached with rice which make it difficult for people to consume rice without apprehensions. People have had many doubts about rice, like if white rice is healthier than brown rice, can eating rice lead to weight gain, is it okay to eat rice at night, etc.

Speaking of the nutrient content of rice, white rice has high carbohydrate content. A cup of white rice contains around 30 grams of carbohydrates. A cup of rice will have around 150 calories and 4 grams of proteins. Rice is a great source of complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are broken down to glucose, most of which is used as energy for exercise and as essential fuel for the brain.
说到大米的营养成分,白米含有很高的碳水化合物。一杯白米饭含约30克的碳水化合物,大约150卡路里和4克的蛋白质。米饭是复杂碳水化合物的重要来源。碳水化合物将会被分解为葡萄糖,而葡萄糖大部分被用作能量的来源及大脑的必要 “燃料” 。

Now, let’s investigate myth about rice that you should know

1. Rice is fattening / 大米能造成肥胖
This myth is probably the reason why the trending fad diets today do not include rice consumption at all. However, this is not true. 1 cup of rice only contain 1 gram of fat. Rice is easy to digest, low in fat and is also cholesterol free. It contains carbohydrate and is thus a good source of energy (Chung et al., 2014).
这个迷思可能是当今流行的不包含大米的时尚饮食。但是,那是不对的。1杯大米仅含1克的脂肪。大米容易被消化,脂肪含量低且不含胆固醇。它含有碳水化合物,因此是个很好的能量来源(Chung et al.,2014)。

2. Rice has no protein / 大米不含蛋白质
Protein is the second most abundant nutrient in rice. 1 cup of rice contains around 4 grams of protein. This amount is high as compared to other grains (Amagliani, O’Regan, Kelly, & O’Mahony, 2017).
蛋白质是大米中第二大的营养素。1杯大米含有大约4克的蛋白质。这个含量比其它谷类更高(Amagliani, O’Regan, Kelly, & O’Mahony, 2017)。

3. Brown rice is healthier than white rice / 糙米比白米健康
Brown rice may be considered healthier because of their high fibre content. This is the reason why fitness experts promote consumption of brown rice over white rice. But basically, the calories of these two types of rice are the same (Gord, 2019).
糙米因其纤维含量高而被认为更健康。这是健身专家提倡食用糙米胜过白米的原因。但基本上,这两种米的卡路里含量是一样的(Gord, 2019)。

4. Diabetics should not have rice / 糖尿病患者不宜吃米饭
It is completely safe for diabetic patient to have rice. But it doesn’t imply that people with diabetes can have rice as much as they want. Excess of anything is bad and even rice consumption is fine only if it is eaten within the recommendation quantity (Rohman et al, 2014).
米饭对于糖尿病患者绝对是安全的。但这并不意味着糖尿病患者可以随心所欲地吃米饭。任何东西过量都是不好的,而大米的食用量在推荐范围内都是可以的(Rohman et al, 2014)。

5. Eating rice for dinner makes you fat / 晚餐吃饭会使您发胖
The fact is, rice is easy to digest and helpful in improving quality of sleep. It increases leptin sensitivity. Leptin is produced by a fatty tissue which regulates fat storage in the body and suppress hunger. Moreover, foods high in carbohydrate can be eaten at night as they get metabolised into glucose. But, make sure that you did not eat it too late at night or right before sleep. The best time for dinner would be around 6 to 8pm (Juliet, 2019).
事实是,大米容易消化及有助于改善睡眠质量。它可增加瘦素的敏感性。瘦素是由脂肪组织产生。该脂肪组织可调节体内脂肪的储存并抑制饥饿。此外,含高碳水化合物的食物可以在晚上食用,因为它们会代谢成葡萄糖。但是,确保您没有在深夜或睡觉前食用。最佳的晚餐时间是晚上6点至8点左右(Juliet, 2019)。

So basically, rice is good source of complex carbohydrate and can be eaten with no doubt. Make sure the timing and quantity taken is within the recommended amount. To gain further understanding, refer poster below.