Every gram of salt is made up from 40 per cent sodium and 60 per cent chlorine and both play a vital part in keeping our bodies functioning. Salt plays a vital role in fluid balance, nerve transmission and muscle function. Salt is also important in culinary world as it is generally used to improve flavour. It is also used as food preservatives as bacteria cannot survive in a high saline environment.


A diet high in salt can cause raised blood pressure, which can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. High blood pressure often has no symptoms, and many people who have high blood pressure don’t know it. Regular health screening is important to check your current health condition, to know if there are any signs and symptoms of hypertension.


What should my salt intake be? / 我们的盐摄入量应该是多少?

 An adult should not exceed salt intake of 5g/day. 5g of salt is approximately around 1 teaspoon of salt which contain 2g of sodium.


1 teaspoon of salt = 5g of salt = 2g of sodium
(Guideline: Sodium Intake for Adults and Children, WHO 2012)

1茶匙盐 = 5克盐 = 2克钠


However, Malaysians, on average consume 7.15g of salt (~3g of sodium) daily, two grams higher than the 5 grams recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO). A study also showed that 4 of 5 Malaysian are consuming salt more than the recommendation. This trend is worrisome as it may lead to hypertension and if left unchecked, it could cause stroke and heart disease.


Based on a study published by University of Minnesota School of Public Health, it was found that the main contributor of high sodium intake is from eating outside their homes; either in restaurant or fast food chains. People need to choose wisely when they eat outside and buying groceries, if they wish to control their salt intake.

根据University of Minnesota School of Public Health发表的一项研究报告,发现高钠摄入量的主要来源是在外用餐,无论在餐厅或是在快餐连锁店。如果我们要控制食盐的摄入量,我们应该在出外用餐时和购买食材方面做出明智的选择。

How much salt is there in my favourite food and necessary condiments?


 Most of foods are cooked with salt to enhance the flavour. Other than salt, food seasoning such as monosodium glutamate is also added to increase the flavour, thus adding the sodium amount in the food. It’s also used in food additives and as a preservative to extend shelf life, so even foods that don’t taste salty, like pastries, donuts and bread, can have a lot of it. Fast foods are undeniably high in sodium. A person can eat about 1,300mg of sodium in a single fast-food sitting, which is more than half of the upper recommended limit for the day.


These are some food and their sodium content:


*1 packet of instant noodle / 1包方便面 = 1500mg
*30g of cornflakes / 30克玉米片 = 1170mg
*1 piece of capati / 1片capati = 130mg
*1 cup of noodle (plain) / 1杯面条(普通) = 410mg
*10g of butter/margarine / 10克黄油/人造黄油 = 840mg
*85 g of ham / 85克火腿 = 1117mg
*2 tablespoon of salad dressing / 2汤匙沙拉酱 = 304mg
*1 slice of pizza / 1片披萨 = 765mg
*1 cheese burger / 1个芝士汉堡 = 1108mg

Your favourite condiments add to your salt intake as well. According to the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines 2010 (Ministry of Health Malaysia), one teaspoon of table salt is equivalent in sodium (2g of sodium) to:


* 6 teaspoons of light soya sauce / 6茶匙淡酱油
* 6 1/2 teaspoons of oyster sauce or cencaluk / 6 1/2 茶匙蚝油或虾酱
* 8 teaspoons of budu / 8茶匙江鱼仔酱
* 15 teaspoons of thick soya sauce or chilli sauce / 15茶匙浓酱油或辣椒酱
* 21 teaspoons of tomato sauce / 21茶匙番茄酱

So, think twice before you buy and eat. It is the best for you to check and read the nutrition facts label if there’s any. Choose the one with lesser sodium content.
