How to control my salt intake, at home and outside?

If you add salt during cooking or at the table, add small amounts. Learn to use spices and herbs, rather than salt, to enhance the flavour of food. Spices and herbs that are helpful such as bay leaf, curry, lemon, rosemary, ginger, garlic, mint, paprika, pepper and tomato. Try to use least salt as much as you can. Practise healthy cooking method that uses small amount of salt such as grill, bake or roast. Cooking soupy dish and stew require a lot of salt, so avoid it.

When buying groceries, please buy fresh products rather than processed one such as canned vegetables, fruits, instant noodles and tuna. Read the nutrition facts labels to compare the amount of sodium in processed foods, such as frozen dinners, packaged mixes, cereals, cheese, breads, soups, salad dressings and sauces. The amount in different types and brands varies widely. Look for labels that say, “low sodium”. They contain 120mg (about 5 percent of the Daily Value) or less of sodium per serving. If you cannot avoid using processed or canned foods, you can drain and rinse them (like chickpeas, kidney beans, etc.), anchovies and vegetables. You’ll cut the sodium by up to 40 percent.
当购买日常食材时,请购买新鲜食材,而不是加工产品,如罐头蔬菜、罐头水果、方便面和罐头金枪鱼。阅读营养成分标签来比较加工食品中的钠含量,例如:冷冻食品、包装混合物、谷类、奶酪、面包、汤类、沙拉调料和调味料。不同类型和不同品牌食品的钠含量差异很大。尽量查找标签为“低钠含量”的食品。每份中含有120毫克(大约每日的5%)或更少的钠。如果您无法避免食用加工或罐头食品,您可以沥干并冲洗它们(例如:鹰嘴豆、芸豆等)、凤尾鱼和蔬菜。这样可以减少40% 的钠含量。

According to Guide to Nutrition Labelling and Claims, KKM 2010, the definition of low sodium food is as follow:
根据Nutrition Labelling and Claims, KKM 2010指南,低钠食品的定义如下:

Nutrition claims / 营养 Sodium content / 钠含量
Low sodium / 低钠 0.12g (120mg)
Very low sodium / 非常低钠 0.04g (40mg)
Free sodium / 无钠 0.005g (5mg)

When eating outside, you can ask for the nutrition facts and select the food with lesser salt content. You can also request not to add salt when cooking your food upon ordering.

Be generous with love, not with salt. Healthy family comes from healthy food and healthy food comes from healthy cooking. By reducing salt usage and intake, the risk of hypertension and other cardiovascular problems will be reduced. Read labels when shopping and limit fast food visits. Remember, tasty is not necessarily salty.