Sugar and Fat / 糖与脂肪

Medical Conditions, Services



Sugar and fat are two of the most discussed topics in nutrition. Have you ever wondered which one is better and which one is worse? Both have their own reasons to be our friend and our foe.


Over the past few decades, low fat diet has become the most popular way to lose weight. Many food manufacturers come out with low-fat products which claim can help reduce weight but little that consumer knew that low-fat food products usually are high in sugar. Why? One issue that food manufacturers failed to consider when following this route was that without the flavour that fats provide, something else had to be added: sugar.


Nowadays, diet trends seem to focus more on high fat and low carbohydrate. This is because they believed that sugar and carbohydrate are the culprit of the diseases.  However, the key of healthy diet is not simply cutting those macronutrients. Remember, balance is the key. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends reducing both bad fat and sugar to get the most nutritious diet is possible.


The Sweet Killer / 甜蜜杀手

Since sugar is a carbohydrate, it acts as the main source of energy to your body. Simple sugar acts as an immediate source of energy when metabolized. Complex sugars can provide your body with long-lasting energy as opposed to simple sugars. Which one is the sweet killer? The refined sugar. Limiting this sugar should be a priority to all, not just people with diabetes. In fact, limiting sugar intake is a good way to start getting your blood glucose levels under control. Cutting back on the amount of processed foods you eat is also recommended as the majority contain added sugars. “Low-fat” products such as yogurts, peanut butter and jam usually contain high sugar. As a health-concern consumer, we should be wise to choose the best products. Read label before buying, and search for product that has the least sugar and saturated fat content.


The good sugar / 好的糖

Fruits contain natural sugar, which is also a very good source of fiber which can slow the absorption of sugar and negate any potential negative effects on health.


Fat- Friend or Foe? / 脂肪-朋友还是敌人?

Fat is the most energy dense nutrient and carries twice as many calories as the same weight of carbohydrate. This doesn’t mean you should avoid fat altogether, all you need to do is to be balance and have a knowledge about the good and the bad fat. Fats found in highly processed foods are not at all good for your health. Trans fats, for example, are found primarily in processed foods, and hydrogenated vegetable oils have been associated with a wide range of negative health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. 


The friendly fat, the unsaturated one is good for health. Unsaturated fats help lower a person’s levels of LDL cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and build stronger cell membranes in the body. Switching to healthful fats, such as sardines, avocados, olive oil, walnuts, flaxseed, and coconut products can be beneficial to our heart health.


Summary / 总结

The healthiest way to improve your health is to make minor changes for a healthier choice. Avoid high sugary food and added sugar but consume more fresh fruits. Avoid fried and oily food. Stay away from fast food and always choose unsaturated fat over saturated one. Remember to let the foods work for you, not against you.

