Sugar : The Sweet Killer 糖:甜蜜杀手

Medical Conditions, Services



We often hear at Mamak’s stall, “Teh tarik kurang manis satu”, but do you even realize, sugar is not just from ‘’sugar’’. It also comes from daily food we consume such as pastries, peanut butter, kaya, and even chilli sauce and ketchup.


Malaysia is still having the highest obesity prevalence in South East Asia. There are 3 million obese Malaysians and the number is far from reducing. This worrying trend need to be stopped as soon as possible.


Starting April 1st 2019, a 40 cents tax per litre will be imposed on soft drinks with more than five grams of sugar or sugar-based sweetener per 100ml. This includes carbonated drinks or flavoured and other non-alcoholic beverages. For juice or vegetable-based drinks, a 40 cents tax per litre will be imposed on drinks with over 12g of sugar per 100ml.


Malaysia is not the first country to implement tax on sugary drinks. This healthy approach has been imposed in several countries like Brunei Darussalam, France, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and the United Kingdom. 


The Permitted Sugar Intake / 健康的糖分摄取量

Based on Recommended Nutrient Intake for Malaysia 2017, intake of free sugar should be 10% of total energy intake per day or less. For example, a healthy man from age 19-29 years old needs about 2200 kcal a day for his energy. The recommended sugar intake for him is 55g of sugar or equal to 3.5 tablespoon of sugar a day. Then, you can calculate by yourself, how much sugar you really need. The smaller amount the calorie, the smaller amount of sugar intake is needed.

根据2017年马来西亚推荐的营养摄取量,糖分的摄取量应该是总能量的10% 或更少。举例,一个19至29岁的健康男性每天需要大约2200kcal的能量。他所应该摄取的糖分是每天55克或相等于3汤匙半的糖分。然后,您可以自己计算您真正需要多少糖分。您所需的卡路里量越少,需要的糖分摄取量越少。

According to National Health and Morbidity Survey 2017, more than 1 in 3 Malaysian students consume at least one can of soft drinks a day. A single can of soft drinks contains on average 8.5 teaspoons of sugar, and there is clear scientific research that proves that high consumption of sugary drinks leads to weight gain and obesity.


Why eating too much sugar is bad for your health / 为什么摄入太多的糖分对健康有害

  • Weight gain / 体重增加

Consuming too much added sugar, especially from soft drinks can increase the risk of weight gain and increase accumulation of visceral fat. Research has consistently show that people who drink sugary beverages, such as soda and juice, weigh more than people who don’t.


  • Increased risk of heart diseases / 增加患心脏病的风险

High diet in sugar results in high triglycerides concentration. This is due to the increased hepatic secretion and low clearance of very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). It is also due to the fact which states that increased sugar consumption can lead to overweight and obesity. When you are overweight or obese, you are more likely to develop heart disease.


  • Increased risk of diabetes / 增加患糖尿病的风险

Again, Malaysia is championing in Asia in the prevalence of diabetes. Almost 17% of Malaysians are diabetic and it is known that diabetes can lead to heart attack, stroke and kidney failure.

马来西亚是亚洲糖尿病率非常高的国家。几乎17% 的马来西亚人患有糖尿病。众所周知,糖尿病可导致心脏病发作、中风和肾衰竭。

It is again, by being overweight and obese, one is prone to have higher risk of diabetes. Prolonged high-sugar consumption leads to insulin resistance, a hormone that regulates blood sugar level.


  • Increased risk of cancer / 增加癌症风险

Too much sugar can lead to obesity, insulin resistance and inflammation, all of which are risks of cancer. Studies show that high sugar intake will increase the risk of oesophageal and small intestine cancer.


  • Acne problem / 痤疮问题

High sugar consumption can increase the risk of developing acne. This is due to the increase secretion of hormone androgen, oil production and inflammation. A research found that people in rural areas are less likely to have acne due to their traditional, non-processed food diet, compared to people in urban areas.


  • Faster aging / 更快老化

Inflammation caused by high consumption of sugar produces enzyme that can breakdown collagen and elastin that will results in wrinkles and sagging skin.


  • Can lead to fatty liver / 可导致脂肪肝

Unlike glucose and other types of sugar, fructose is exclusively broken down by liver. Fructose will be converted into glycogen and being stored in liver. Liver has a limited glycogen storage and the excess amount of fructose will be converted to fat. This fat unfortunately can cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.


  • Tooth decay / 牙齿腐烂

Eating too much sugar can cause cavities. Sugar attracts bad bacteria that destroys tooth’s enamel. This will result in plaque deposition and later cavities and if left untreated, the cavity can spread into the deeper layers of the tooth, causing pain and possible tooth loss.


Stay tuned for our next chapter on glycemic index of common food.



“Let’s value our health before sickness comes”
