

肾癌(英语:Kidney cancer or renal cancer),是一种由肾脏细胞癌变所引发的癌症。 肾癌是男性和女性中最常见的十种癌症之一。它可说是无症兆的 “沉默癌症”。 每一个人一生当中,患肾癌的机率是1.6%,当中以男性居多。 肾癌的风险因素: 1)生活方式和与工作相关的风险因素 a)抽烟 b)肥胖 c)工作场所暴露于化学物品(Cadmium)、除草剂、有机溶剂如三氯乙烯(tricholoethylene) 2)遗传 3)其他 a)肾癌家族史 b)高血压 c)某些药物,如利尿剂...
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

A healthy liver should contain little or no fat. Three decades ago, Dr. Ludwig first coined the term non- alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) to describe an entity characterized by fatty changes with lobular hepatitis and liver injury in the absence of a history of...
Don’t Forget To Check Your Neck

Don’t Forget To Check Your Neck

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that is located in the lower front of the neck. It makes thyroid hormones which help the body use energy, stay warm and keep the brain, heart, muscle and other organs work as they should. 甲状腺是位于颈部下方的蝴蝶形内分泌腺。...