Underweight Causes 体重不足的原因

In our last post, we talked about the effect of underweight. This time, we will discuss on the factors that lead to underweight. Generally, there are many causes of underweight. Here, we divide it into four categories:

1. Lifestyle / 生活方式
– Inadequate calorie intake / 热量摄入不足
A person eating less calories than that is required for their normal body function and their physical activity level may experience underweight as the energy consumed is more than that is used up.
当一个人所摄入的卡路里少于正常身体功能和身体活动所需的卡路里时,可能 会因为消耗的能量多于摄入的能量而导致体重不足。

– Excessive physical activities / 过渡的体力活动
If a person burns more energy through physical activities than what they consume, it may result in them becoming underweight.

2. Physical Health Problems / 身体健康问题
– Poor Dentition / 牙列不良
Elderly especially, who have poor dentition or dental problems can have chewing difficulty, which, as a result, causes them to eat less and become underweight.

– Hyperthyroidism / 甲亢
People with hyperthyroidism experience high metabolic rate which can cause them to be underweight.

– Cancer / 癌症
Cancer and its treatment can cause changes in metabolism, which results in reduction of weight. Appetite change may also occur due to mouth dryness, constipation, change of taste, difficulty chewing or swallowing, nausea and vomiting.

– Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) / 人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)
HIV leads to ease of exposure towards infection, which in turn can lead to a variety of health problems such as change in digestive system including mouth sores and stomach pain. This causes reduced appetite, leading to weight loss.

– Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) / Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) /
IBS can cause bowel discomfort which requires a person to avoid certain food to reduce the symptoms. Excessive food avoidance can lead to undernutrition and underweight. IBD on the other hand can cause many signs and symptoms including diarrhoea and appetite loss, causing weight loss.

3. Mental Health Problems / 心理健康问题
– Eating disorders / 饮食失调
Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder can cause a person to become underweight as the calorie consumption is restricted.

– Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) / 身体变形障碍(BDD)
A person with BDD can be overly concerned with body weight, shape, and overall body size, which then may lead to calorie restriction, contributing to weight loss.

– Depression / Stress / Anxiety / 抑郁/压力/焦虑
Aside from mood and emotional change, depression and anxiety can cause physical symptoms including change in appetite. Losing appetite results in reduction of food intake and weight loss.

– Dementia / 失智
People with dementia often has reduced food intake, causing loss of weight.

4. Others / 其他
– Genetics / 遗传
Just like overweight, being underweight may also be an effect of genetics.

A lot of other factors, such as environment and socioeconomic background can also lead to being underweight.

Then, how exactly do we manage underweight? We will discuss in detail about this topic on the next part of our post.