USE it or LOSE it! 使用它或失去它!

Medical Conditions

Sarcopenia is a natural effect that results in dramatic loss in muscle mass and strength as you age. By the time you enter your third decade of life, age-related muscle decline may already have begun. It can reduce your strength, energy and mobility, as well as increase the risk of falls, illness and poor health.
肌肉衰减症是一种随着年龄增长,肌肉质量和力量将大大减少的现象。 当你踏入生命的第三个十年时,肌肉衰退可能已经开始了。 肌肉衰减症可削弱你的力量,精力和行动力,且提高跌倒,疾病和健康状况不佳的风险。

Here are some tips to keep you strong, regardless of the age you are!

1) Increase protein consumption: Every muscle in your body is made up of protein. Protein rich foods such as fish, eggs, lean meats, eggs, quinoa and beans can help to boost up your protein level.
增加蛋白质摄取量:身体每一个肌肉都是由蛋白质组成的。 蛋白质丰富的食物如鱼,蛋,瘦肉,鸡蛋,藜麦和豆类可以帮助提高你的蛋白质水平。
2) Add on resistance and strength training: If a sedentary lifestyle is the cause of muscle loss, strength training is the best solution. This is particularly important for the elderly. Every time you lift, press or pull a weight, you create microscopic tear in your muscles. Your body then responds to repair it and thus increase the muscle mass.
增加重量训练:如果不活跃的生活方式是导致肌肉损失的原因,重量训练就是最好的解决办法。 这对老年人来说尤其重要。 当你每次抬起,按压或拉一个重量时,这将对肌肉造成微小的撕拉。 您的身体随后将对之进行修复,从而增加肌肉质量。
3) Carry out aerobic exercise: Although this is not for bulking you up, aerobic exercise can help to keep your muscle in a healthy state. 30-60 minutes of swimming, walking and running a few times in a week can help to maintain your muscle at optimum condition.
进行有氧运动:虽然这不是为了增加肌肉量,有氧运动可以保持你的肌肉健康。 每周几次,每次进行30-60分钟的游泳,步行和跑步可以帮助维持你的肌肉在最佳的状态。

Photos credits to Abbott Nutrition Research